About Paul

Author Archive | Paul

Who remembers

The question keeps rolling around in my thoughts. Who remembers us. Who remembers what we did, said, talked about, loved, cared for, … what our deepest thoughts and dreams are and were. We walk this trail. We journey in this life. We experience the highs and lows and overcome the challenges.  Many of us have […]

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Recapture the innocence

Don’t you miss it? Don’t you long for it? The uncluttered, unhurried, uncomplicated, un24/7 everything, unnews, unbusyness. Just the un of what passes as important today. Aren’t you tired of the nonsense and harshness of what has happened to the innocent time of simply appreciating your moment here. I miss it.  So I am on […]

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Enjoying the moment

I watched as they ran across the sky bridge that spanned the wild animal sanctuary. Two 10 year old grandchildren laughing, looking, experiencing and living in the moment.  The beautiful lions, tigers, foxes, bears and other animals were also in the moment of their day. In the moment.  No past. No future.  Just now. When […]

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In These Five Breaths

As I finalize this work I am trying to decide whether I “release” it or not.  Our time here is precious.  The day is filled with such nonsense yet the gift of breath and life is so real and fragile.  I have written about each breath holding a life story.  Each breath solving the mystery […]

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The train

There is this train.  It is never on schedule but sooner or later arrives.  The station is right always where you are at the moment it arrives and your ticket is already punched. Some passengers are young and some not.  But here is the key….enjoy where you are at any moment in time.  Because you […]

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And in conclusion

I have been writing The Ageless Experiment for years now.  I have tried to express the concept that time is the ultimate asset. A gift. We are a fragile player in this cosmic story. So… use your finite time here to be kind, give yourself and each other a break from our human frailties. Laugh […]

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In about a month it will be 2 years since my quintuple bypass open heart surgery. I was talking to a friend about that and he said…where does time go! Exactly.  Where does time go?!  Then again we can say that about anything in our lives.  You sit with a friend and talk about events […]

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A heartbeat

Think about it. The heart beats.  You take a breath. And life goes on. We take it all for granted until it skips or pauses or races or stops. So here is the message for today…feel the beat of your heart.  Be present with the glory of this miracle. Then appreciate  the heartbeat of another […]

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The journey

And so today another journey ended for a friend. All the fretting ,worrying, struggling to get it just right came to an end. The lesson? Hour of the Wolf. You have today. This moment. Live it. Love it. Be present. I always say to reach out to a friend.  Well what are you waiting for. […]

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The new year

Really make it different this year.  Dance more.  With or without a partner.  Take off the blinders.  See the whole picture.  Listen to more music.  Fill your home with music. Take long walks  and see the nature all around you. Nature doesn’t try hard.  Nature just is.  Be natural.  Be kinder.  See the humor in […]

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