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Author Archive | Paul

Breathing life in

If we were to use a different word would it change the way we live our life?  One word.  The ultimate change. Instead of saying breath …change it to …life   Since breath is life.  Since we can not live without breath let’s call it by its right name. Each moment. Each breath.  Beautiful life. […]

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A once in a lifetime life

A once in a lifetime life.  Did you forget that? Overlook it? Not consider it? But here it is.  Right in front of you.  These words.  This truth.  This reality.  This is your once in a lifetime life. So get on with it.  Make it happen. See those who matter to you. Be in the […]

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Life surprises you.

Life surprises you  But… for Life to surprise you you must be open to life.  You must fearlessly face life. You must live with courage and remember that the time is finite so there is no time to waste in opening your heart and soul to life.  Be surprised.

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Don’t do it alone

In this holiday season if and when you feel down or dejected, don’t face it alone.  Reach out.  Get outside. Take a walk downtown and embrace the holiday lights.  Look up. Look out.  See the magic in the singular moment.  Your moment.  Your life here. For those reading this now, know you matter. Thank you […]

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The holidays

If you think about it, the holidays give you the gift of family, friends, sharing and acts of kindness. Then the question is joined….why can’t you treat each day like a holiday because ….each day is!  It is the first and last of its kind.  So celebrate your life on each unique day. Why save […]

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A statement

Never before is a personal mission statement required. A  clarity of your meaning. Your purpose. Your why. What you stand for. What you won’t permit.  When everyone else is angry or lost or feels helpless connect to your positive position of life.  A statement.

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Be here now.

You look up at the mountain. You look out over the sea. You gaze as the sun is rising or setting.  Then it finally hits you… the mountain, the sea, the sunrise and sunset need no explanation. They need no help in getting their point across. They simply are perfect just as they are. And […]

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The medium in which we live

Time. The spirit. The soul. The One. This is the medium in which we live. It is not separate from us. It is all around us and an integral part of both us and the world we move through.  It is all one. We are time. We are spirit. We are the soul. We are […]

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The whirlpool

There are times it feels like a whirlpool. It is an out of control pulling down and tossing around sensation that seems beyond reason and logic. Hope seems lost in the mix. It all feels reactionary. But then you connect with one person who extends a hand. Someone who has a calm présence. The why […]

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The mask

In Hour of the Wolf I write about the mask that so many wear throughout the day or even throughout their life. The false front. The coverup of the truth. The unauthentic. After a while the mask covers up honest communication. The mask permits many to live in a world of hurt and harmful conduct. […]

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