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Franticness.. When it enters it usually means that something else is going on. Some unexpressed inner drama or melodrama taking place.Remember to call things by their right name. Clarity can only take place when honest communication fills the void.Everyone is just trying to figure it out. It is nice when that honest discourse moves in […]

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Have you ever thought about the look back. Have you ever thought about the backward stare. The look back. How did we get to this spot. The people, events, choices, decisions, accidents, mistakes, miscues, kindnesses of others, friendly gestures, hard work and pure luck that got you to the spot where you can look back. […]

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We walked a good mile on the beach. The day was perfect. A nice breeze. A blue sky. No cloud to be found. We walked. It was time to catch up. That is what friends do. They catch up with each other. There is no facade. There is no posturing. There is a history. There […]

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How hard would you really push yourself. What would it take to take yourself to the limit of you. In the moment. No fear about nothing left for tomorrow or pacing yourself for some future event. But right now. How hard would you test yourself. When it is over you know you are over. Done. […]

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It caught my eye. So subtle. So minor. Yet that is where the story laid hidden.He said he was 68. He looked older. He looked worn out. The short sleeve shirt exposed a tattoo of one of the military services. Could have been Marines. It looked as if life had taken its toll. We sat […]

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Just the nicest person I ever met. That simple. The nicest. Most genuine. Most decent. Most honest. No hidden agenda. Just present and true. What an endangered species. What a rare commodity. What a cherished gift. Do you have such a person in your life. Would you even recognize him or her if you did. […]

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Couldn't figure out how old she was. Between makeup and hair coloring, it was hard to tell. Anywhere from 60 to 75. Literally that wide a band. But as she got up out of the chair in the restaurant, there was the walker.The two younger ones walked out first. She was left to get behind […]

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The return. The turning back. The return to basics. The return to no frills. The return to a good book. The return to a great conversation in sharing ideas. Sharing ideas. Not talking at each other but with each other. Not trying to make a point but rather trying to find a solution. A return […]

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Seven minutes could not have been more intense. Non-stop. Seven minutes. Each minute packed with weights, movement,stretches, jumping, pushing and pulling. Each minute. It got me thinking about each minute. How easily we throw a minute away as if it were a penny that you thought had no significance. But add the pennies together and […]

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There is that moment. Doesn't seem big at the time. But then, because of that moment, everything changes. You no longer stand the same way. No longer have the same look. No longer have the same walk. No longer. Is it irreversible. No. But you are different. Can you move past it. Yes. But you […]

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