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What Can You Do with 7 Seconds?

13 minutes and 7 seconds. Each second was relevant. Each second counted. Each second had meaning. Crossfit. 100 of this, 21-15-9 of that and that and the other. Done in 13 minutes and 7 seconds. Now we are off to Istanbul. Each minute and each second has meaning. Purpose. Not just in pushing yourself to […]

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Seeing Beyond the Bullseye

What is the target. What exactly are you shooting for. What are you aiming to hit. What is the bullseye in the center of your shot. Why did you even pick up the bow and arrow in the first place. Is it about acquiring stuff. Is it about winning something. Is it finding the hidden […]

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Crazy Good CrossFit at Any Age

You’re kidding me. That was the first thought that came to mind. You got to be kidding me. How many rope climbs. How many rowing sprints. How may sit ups. How many kettle bell swings. How many push ups. In what period of time. You got to be kidding. After it was over it all […]

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Maybe That is Why I Love the Rain

The rain came down in buckets. It was exquisite. The sky just opened up and sheets of water kept falling. The ground got super soaked. The pool became an eternity pool. The flowers turned their brightest colors. And then, suddenly, it stopped. The sky became empty of rain. Do you remember the first heavy rain. […]

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Each Day is a Creation of a Remember When

How do you measure a good day. How do you define a good day. What makes up a perfect morning. Or afternoon moment. Or late night get away. Today it was morning coffee while listening to The Band. “The Weight” always takes me on a journey. Then a Saturday Crossfit that got the heart racing…push […]

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The Seriousness of a Silent Moment

Can you sit in silence. Can you just let your mind wander aimlessly. Not trying to figure anything out or resolve any issue. Just sit in silence and take it all in. The exquisite moment. Do you appreciate that that silent moment will never be again. You just being with you. No noise. No chatter. […]

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What is the Lesson of Your Life?

So here we are. Back at that college class of your life. The textbook was purchased. The classes were attended. You studied as best as you could. In fact, the class was well attended. The final exam was rough though. The final exam was one question. In bold print at the top of the page. […]

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Use It Up

We stood there exhausted from the Crossfit work out of the day. Dead lifts, box jumps, ring dips over and over as the clock ticked down from 25 minutes to 0. Afterward we sat around talking about why. Why push. Why extreme. Why now. The conversation turned to optimism and pessimism. It turned to always […]

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Acknowledge Your Fellow Travelers

The motorcycles turned off route 287 just outside of Longmont and headed up to Carter Lake. It was a winding road that passed ranches, acres of empty land and massive, out of a movie, horse farms. Then at the top is Carter Lake. Sail boats dot the water. The mountain peaks rise above the lake. […]

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Your True Nature is Ageless – Express It

If love is ageless. If friendship is ageless. If caring is ageless. If kindness is ageless. If nobility is ageless. If honor is ageless. If the soul is ageless. If learning is ageless. If decency is ageless. If humor is ageless. Then don’t be sidetracked. Experiment with ageless. Don’t buy into the nonsense of ageism. […]

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