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Both motorcycles turned onto the side dirt road. The Triumph was in the lead. The Suzuki was right behind. It was the first time both bikes rode so easily with each other. The chill in the air was just right. The sun was shining bright but it was not hot. It was just right. After […]

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March 13: Are we fungible. Like one dollar bill compared to another dollar bill. You can't tell the difference. You grab for one and it doesn't matter which one you pull out of your pocket since they are the same,accomplish the same thing and have the same function. Are people a fungible too. Some would […]

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March 12: It is like wandering into Brigadoon.The story is told of a mystical village that appears one day every 100 years. Each century though feels no longer than one evening to the residents. Is it a blessing or a curse. Again,like most things it is your own take on time, life, meaning and the […]

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What if it were true. Who is to say it isn't. We really can't know for sure. Are we simply on a grain of sand in a cosmic sand dune. When the image takes the long view and we see the stars, planets, milky way,solar systems and keep moving further and further out in the […]

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March 11: There is that moment and you know it. Maybe not right away but soon you know it. You know that because of that moment nothing will ever be the same again.It is life altering. It may be totally unexpected. It may be expected but the change that occurs because of it is unexpected.You […]

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March 10: How do some people just make it look easier than it is. It isn't easy. But they make it look that way. Others almost try to make it look tougher than it has to be. Such an interesting dynamic. What is that back story. The one who is the "real deal" just makes […]

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It was a sunday afternoon. There was a chill in the air and the whales could be seen as they broke the surface of the Pacific. The swing was made of wood. The ropes that connected the swing to the tree branches were long enough that while swinging you could swing out off the cliff […]

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March 9:We sat facing each other. The microphones were properly placed so that the recording would be clear. The camera was capturing the moment. It had been a long session going through his life and how he got where he got . Where he got was high up the success ladder. Yet he, with all […]

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She stood under the bar. The weight was more than she had lifted ever before. She positioned herself just right, followed the instructions, lifted the weight to her shoulders and stepped away from the cradle that had held the bar a moment earlier. She squatted and came back to her standing position. Then again and […]

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March 8: At what point is it lost. The choice made for all the wrong reasons. What is the ultimate price paid for that decision. What is the consequence of that direction taken.Can it be reversed, the lesson learned or are some decisions irreversible.That was the topic of discussion at the dinner table as friends […]

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