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Author Archive | Paul

She stood at the counter as excited as you could get. She couldn't have been more than 12 years old. Her grandfather stood beside her. She was hopping up and down as she looked at which donut she would choose.I put my morning paper and coffee on the counter. Next in line to pay.She kept […]

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March 7: It is a treehouse. In the middle of the tallest trees. The wooden stairs take you up to the front door. Once inside you can open up most of the french doors and it is as if the walls vanish and it is nothing more than a platform in the open air but […]

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It seems so clear to the child. They key is less; not more. Saying it in fewer words. Doing it in less movement. No need to rationalize or justify actions. The sage advise is always the best advise. A child already knows that. Less is more. Subtle is powerful. Slight motion can be more effective […]

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March 6: It got me thinking about titles.The great thing about motorcycles, among so many great things, is that there are no distractions like cellphone, radios, blackberries, screens of any kind or really any interference between you, the bike and the ultimate experience of the moment. No interefence with the ultimate experience.That got my mind […]

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The leather jacket is black. The vanson label on the shoulder gives it the official seal of quality and just the right amount of this is serious attitude. The sunglasses are put in place, the gloves slip on , the helmet is snug. All necessary rituals to give the ride the attention to detail that […]

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March 5: But I don't know how old I am was the answer. Honesty, I don't know.What year were you born was the retort.I know that.Well, then you know how old you are.But I don't was the response.You are now just being foolish was the reply.Don't think so.How old someone is and when they were […]

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I recall the tale of those who supposedly came across the structure in an overgrown part of the jungle. It was totally unexpected. They had been trekking for awhile enjoying the scenery, the landscape, the smells and feel of this part of the journey.As they wandered down one vine covered path,out of the corner of the eye […]

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March 4: A state of coolness. A way of being cool. Ever notice that when we know we are not being true to our pure essence, we are going against the very grain of what we honesty believe, we get heated. The skin gets "hot". We get flushed. We feel like we have a fever.Is […]

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There was a time when we were simply grateful. Not for anything in particular. Just grateful. Being appreciative of our moment in the larger story. Grateful seems like a lost word and a lost art these days. When you meet a grateful person, an appreciative person it takes a moment to adjust. Grateful for being. […]

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March 3: Who made the rules anyway. Who decided one or the other way was the right or wrong way for youWho elected that person or committee to make those rules, signs,and decisions on how you should and can live your life.Odd how we permit that to happen.We have been given free choice yet seem […]

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