Can you see the error before it is an error. Can you see the wrong turn long before you even get close to the street and that intersection. Can you catch the ball before it is ever thrown. Do you have a sense of truth of the unfolding situation and scene before the lights are even turned on.
Can you see with the innocence of a child but analyze with the wisdom of the elders.
Can you look at your hands and see the history in all they touched. Can you touch your skin and sense the vibrations of a life well lived.
Can you look in the mirror and study your eyes to gaze behind them to locate your essence and meaning.
Can you get in touch with yourself. In this world where everyone is texting,emailing, phoning, facebooking and other variations on that theme have you lost contact with you.
Can you walk a beach alone and not be lonely. Can you sit quietly and watch the sunset and know the wonder of that reality.Can you recognize the incredible life you have been given and appreciate it for what it is…a flash of time in an eternity of timelessness.
Can you just be. Can you look at your loved one and simply say thank you for walking with you and holding your hand.
Can you let go of the stuff that makes up the stuff and connect to the wonder of the unknown.
Only then can you see the error before..the wrong turn before..and position yourself to catch the ball before it is ever thrown.
Connect to the wonder of you.


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