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What is the end game

How you live your life each day is the meaning of your life. It is not complicated.  There is no other agenda. Are you kind? Are you caring? Are you respectful? Are you loving?  Since we never know how or when it will be end game time each day is your opportunity to define yourself. […]

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Return of the Knights

Over the last few years a number of dear friends and mentors have passed.  I called them the last of the knights.  Honor. Decent.  Humble. Courageous. Faithful to the cause. Larger than any issue or challenge. Forces of nature. A class above. These days knights are needed more than ever.  Yet fools and jesters seem […]

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The workout and ageless living

Once again the coaches showed and explained the work out of the day. Once again the “warm up” was what many other gyms would consider a full final workout. But it was merely the warm up. As the sweat dripped down my forehead I looked at the board to study the workout routine.  It was […]

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Wolf and Breath

Once again as I walk through a hospital and see those facing health issues and hear doctors  and nurses and loved ones discussing the many different challenges facing the patient/loved ones I go back to Hour of the Wolf and my new effort…In These Five Breaths. Hour of the Wolf is the journey seeking the […]

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A peaceful place

I have thought about it for years. What is the most peaceful place to be. Is it a particular country. A vacation moment. A quiet evening. A long walk.  Maybe.  But I finally realized that the most peaceful place is inside each of us. But we have to build it.  Nurture it. Keep it warm […]

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An adventure does not begin until

An adventure…life…does not begin until something goes wrong. Wrong is when the lessons are learned.  The challenge is met.  Character is molded.  The change takes place. The growing occurs.  Life becomes textured.  You wake up to truth.  You realize you are not a bystander but must participate in the entire venture of living.  Your path […]

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The hour is closing in

There is just so much time.  There is just so many chances.  There is just so many moments to get it right.  Think about it.  Now how are you going to live.  Phoning it in or participating?  Reading others stories or living your story. Be passionate.  Be noble.  Be true.  Be your unique self.

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Is it going to matter?  When you look back did it matter? Did it make a difference?  It. You. Your life story. The choice. The deciding.  Sooner or later you look back. When you do decide now to live your future history with purpose   It comes down to living outside your singular tale   […]

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Does the center hold

Throughout our history we have been tested by many negative, dangerous, and challenging moments. At the same time as these challenges have occurred positive, thoughtful, and courageous voices and individuals have come forward.  Whether these courageous ones were always there waiting to address the challenge or the times created them it is unclear.  It is […]

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5 breaths. What would you do

Breath.  In and out.  The difference between life and death.  The singular breath.  One. Yet we ignore it as if it was our right. As if it belonged to us and we could take it or leave it. Breath is a gift.  A treasure.  A blessing.  Without it we cease. Think about it.  Now what […]

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