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I remember when I was very young. My dad sat with me and said maybe this is heaven. Maybe where we are is heaven and we just have to embrace it. See it and live it. Maybe this is the Garden of Eden now. But our choices determine whether we recognize it or walk right […]

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We have this one chance …as far as we know. This one opportunity to tell a story. Our choices then write that story on a daily basis.  Ever wonder why some never tell the story that is waiting to be told? Holding back? Fearful of the critics?  Yet each day the time is  running out. […]

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Back to shore

Sooner or later all the boats, swimmers, and other travelers need to come back to shore. That is life’s journey. So while you are out there travel bravely. Seek the horizon. Watch the sunrise and sunset in some romantic spot. Then just remember the return trip is always present. Travel safely.

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The river

It is the same but different. The river flows. It is there. It is always the same yet always moving and different from moment to moment. Time is like the river. The same but different. It flows. It is always moving. And we travel in it. We are passengers in the river of time. It […]

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What counts

What counts? Think about it. What really counts? In the end what counted? It turns out it is all the things  you can’t buy. You can’t purchase. You can’t barter. It turns out to be the intangibles in life. Intangible matters. Character. Nobility. Moral compass. Decency. Love. Hope. Caring. Legacy. What can you add to […]

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The hero’s journey

We are all on one. Each of us. There is always a challenge. An obstacle. Sooner or later we are confronted with it. Our moment of truth. Are we victim, observer or hero. It is so easy to turn away. But we must not. We must face our challenge. There is that high noon moment. […]

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Hour of the Wolf

The clock ticks. So choices must be made. Decisions occur. Consequences result. Let go of the old…it is of no purpose. Release the successes and failures….they are in the book so to speak. Reframe and refine what you mean to you and what you want to mean to those who matter to you. Then just […]

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Who matters

Time has always fascinated me. Doesn’t it fascinate you? Time. Time is the fluid in which we travel. It is this body of water that we swim in as we go through our adventures during the day. As each moment ticks away it is gone forever. Yet while it is here we choose to be, […]

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A state of grace

There was a time when being gracious was a given. For some reason being gracious seems to have fallen on hard times. Winning with grace or losing graciously seems to be a lost art form. Maybe it has to do with having a moral compass. Maybe it has to do with having a noble sense […]

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Magic. Do you believe in it? I don’t mean magicians on TV or in shows. I mean real magic. When you consider it all, our life here is quite magical. Here we are. How did that come to be. The sun rises. The moon effects the tides. Yes, I know there are scientific explanations for […]

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