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The sign said it all. It is never too late to begin what can still be. Yet so often you hear the exact opposite….you hear that it is just too late to begin something new. Well, begin what can still be. Your choice. The ageless experiment.

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Do you remember the first time. The first time you tasted ice cream. Chocolate milk. Pizza. The first time you saw a butterfly. A sunrise. A sunset. The moon. A shooting star. The first movie you ever saw. The first song you ever memorized. The first time. The great thing about kids and grandkids is […]

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Redefining. Reframing. Reassessing. Re-adapting. Re-calibrating. Not being locked in place. Not being trapped in supposed preordained definitions. Not being stuck in place by someone else's opinion on how it is to play out. Continue to redefine.There is no age. There is just you. There is no illness. There is just you. There is no disease. […]

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A Thousand Kisses Deep. What an amazing Leonard Cohen song.Invincible defeat.He sings those words with his most beautiful voice.Invincible defeat.Sooner or later we all come face to face with our own personal invincible defeat.How do you live your life so we can address it. After all the gains, the loss is thereEmbrace it. Accept the […]

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Reach out. Keep reaching out. Let your arms keep seeking the connection. She stood there half frozen. She started looking smaller. Arms down. Head down. Eyes down. Heart down. Then the reach. As she looked up, she got bigger. As she reached out she got stronger.As her eyes looked up she saw the light. Her […]

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They just didn't look like they were having any fun. It was so serious. If a smile broke out it would have been shocking. I guess they thought fun or smiles were not for the important meetings or moments. I guess they figured sophisticated folks didn't laugh or smile or if they did it had […]

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He sat waiting for the bus. It was raining. He had no umbrella. His age? Maybe 50s or early 60s. Hard to tell. He looked worn out. Somewhere it got away from him. He vanished into the bus and was gone. She walked down the hallway. She smiled but it was vacant. Her age? Maybe […]

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There is nothing quite like good friends. Really good friends. We sat last night and raised our glasses of wine to many things. Some folks at other tables, if they overheard, would wonder about those toasts. But good friends…old friends…same life experience friends…no hidden agenda friends..friends who have laughed and cried together…friends who have openly […]

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Well, it has been an interesting journey. Many sights. Many sounds. Many heartfelt discussions. Many gifts unwrapped. A question. What would you give it all up for. If the choice was there. I mean, no one lives forever. So you either go to death or death comes to you. One complete turn of the roulette […]

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A blip on the screen of a life. So often a minor event can be blown out of proportion and be exaggerated beyond any reason. It is merely one of the many blips on the radar screen of life that you can either recognize as a blip or let it take over the entire life […]

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