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She had to put her shoes on herself. There was no debate. She had to dress herself. There was no discussion. As this beautiful child waltzed down the stairs, all 2 1/2 years of her, she was as proud as proud could be. The right shoe was on the left foot. The left shoe was […]

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The rope was just there. Thick. Rough. From ground to ceiling. So basic. So high school. So intimidating. But one hand over the other. One foot hold on top of the other and slowly you inch your way, like a caterpillar, up the rope to touch the medal bar at the ceiling top. One inch […]

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Don't give up on yourself. At some point you see it happen. Maybe age. Maybe illness. Maybe losses. Maybe some bad life choices. And then the comment is heard….the dye is cast or this is my life or what happened or how did I get here.It is not over till it's over. At any age. […]

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He was so calm. It is as if nothing could phase him. Everyone else was so animated and "making their point". I called him the witness. Sometimes I called him the observer. After all the mud had been stirred up by everyone else, he would let the mud settle, clarity would reveal itself and he […]

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It is like stepping back in time. No alarm system. No fancy designs. The steps leading upstairs and smaller steps leading to different rooms upstairs are uneven and not quite level. Ducking your head during certain parts of your movement from level to level and room to room is required. The courtyard is filled with […]

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Do you really believe that what you see is all there is to be seen. What you hear is all there is to be heard. What you smell are the only smells. What you touch are the only things to be touched. What you taste are the only tastes. Do you really believe that the […]

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The beach was isolated as the group made its way to the water's edge. 20 in all. All ages. Although I was the upper end benchmark of age,it was an ageless group. The goal was to exert every part of our body across the sand, through the water whether on foot, backward,frontward, sideway crawls, burpees, […]

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The ride over was uneventful. The storms stayed in the distance. Everyone else was someplace else. The island was in a very sleepy state. The house was happy to see the lone visitor. The Triumph Scrambler enjoyed the brief ride over the sandy back roads. But as I settled in for a quiet, still evening […]

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Shutters. Some people just put them up. As if a storm was brewing in the Atlantic, the weatherman said prepare and shutters were put up on the windows and doors, some people put up shutters over their eyes, ears, feelings and heart when some personal storm is brewing. As helpful as the shutters are on […]

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The house was nestled at the edge of a canyon. The red jeep, no top, no doors, was parked out front.The air was crisp and the day was new.Boulder on a September morning.She decided to get lost on the mountain roads somewhere between Ward, Niwot and Estes Park.A new day indeed.Life had led her here.No […]

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