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She could still dance. She hadn't danced in quite a while. Life seemed to get in the way.The busy stuff of the day. Not necessarily the important things that should fill up the day. Just busy stuff. Everyone talked about it though. Are you busy? Keeping busy? Busy? As if busy was a purpose in […]

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When you look back on it, when you sit back and reflect on it, when you sip the wine at the end of the journey, will you smile. Not in some showy way. Not in some ego driven way. Not in some shallow…how many toys did you acquire way…but in a very personal, living this […]

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She pulled her hair back and tied a band around it. She pulled the helmet down over her face. The boots had already been laced up tight. She positioned her sunglasses just right under the visor. As she saddled up the motorcycle she put her gloves on and made sure the bike was in neutral […]

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She was so cheerfully helpful. She listened to the request, understood the issue, solved the problem in an efficient, delightful manner and said thanks for letting us be of service.It all took place over the phone. It all related to an online purchase that got confused somehow and it was resolved quickly, without drama and […]

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Unbridled. Unrestrained.Unleashed. Letting go and being released. What would it feel like to run for the finish line at full gallop, no cares, nothing to think about but that moment of time. Unbridled. Laughing as loud as you can. Loving with total abandon. An unbridled life. The boxes are so confining. The box inside the […]

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A simple question. A very basic simple question. But think hard before you answer it. Everything may be riding on the answer. Who are you doing it for. It. Whatever the it is depends on how you spend your day. How you spend your energy. How you spend the limited asset you have…time. Make no […]

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A puzzle. A maze. A detour without signposts. No script. No roadmap. No compass. No walking stick. No guide. No arrows pointing any particular direction.Yet everyone else seems to have some answer to give you about your life choice.So odd. So bizarre.They are just as lost in the puzzle and ,it appears, clearly aimless , […]

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The circle. A very basic, classic form. A simple circle. An oval. No beginning. No end.No start. No finish. No leader. No follower. No chairman. No member. An unbroken circle.It is inside the circle where you and your family live.One circle. Not you visiting the circle and expecting special attention because you dropped by.Nope. Everyone […]

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Quality. How do you define it. Quality in life. Quality in education. Quality in health care. Quality in your closest friendship. Quality with your loved ones. Quality in your family connections. How do you value quality. Is it about money. Is it about possessions. Doubt it. It has to do with a sense of connection […]

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The corner was turned. There was no looking back anymore. We were committed to the venture. No second guessing. No regrets. No what ifs. No but fors. No excuses. Just 100 % there. Right now. The power of that realization made it all possible. Can you do that. Go all in. Push it all into […]

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