Exactly who won. Exactly what was the goal. Exactly what was the purpose. You did it all for what…exactly. Power? Really? How transparent. Money? Really? How temporary. Control? Really? Get serious. What exactly. You lived, loved, laughed and cried…for what exactly. Unless you have some sense of that it is all just shadow boxing and […]
Happiness. How to locate it in your life. Is it a place. Is it a person. Is it an attitude.Is it subjective. Is it objective. Is it outlook.Contentment. Exactly what is that.Are happiness and contentment the same, variations on the same theme or distinct from one another.Are they external or internal.Happiness and contentment. They seem […]
Frozen. Why is it that some people are frozen in place. Can't go left or right or forward or back. Just frozen. Stuck like some fossil in stone. It was not always like that. It is frozen by their own creation. Is it fear of risk. Fear of unknown. Is it just not knowing what […]
Burpees. Over and over and over again. Running, jumping rope, kettle bell swings, sit ups, vertical jumps. And that was all before 8 am. And so the day begins. Seize it. Slide in kicking up the dust. Swinging for the bleachers. Why not. There are only the barriers in the mind. Some self imposed barbed […]
And then it is over. Suddenly it comes to a screeching halt. It always comes back to what my mother used to say….man plans and GOD laughs. Grand schemes. High hopes. Clever moves. But then either an illness, or nature's shift or an accident or your life's choices making you irrelevant in the journey that […]
Possibilities. Consider the possibilities. At any age. At any stage. Consider all the possibilities. You are only limited by the lack of imagination. But if you refused to be locked up in the definition of life by the others how would you choose to experience your life. Your life. Your families' life. Your children's life. […]
I remember my first car. It was Beach Boy days. It was beach and car songs.It seemed more gentle then yet I know it truly wasn't.We were right around the corner from Vietnam. The world as we knew it would change forever. Yet that one summer. That one summer moment.It all came together with that […]
Sometimes the most profound moments in life take place in a split second. Almost gone even before they arrive. It always comes back to some innocent sweet moment. It provides a window into a vision of either something lost or something still to be gained. It usually happens when you see a little child living […]
One moment that you could recapture for one moment. A fleeting moment. For one fleeting moment you could relive one past moment. You couldn't change anything. Just re-experience it. Not merely think about it or dream about it but be there again one moment for one moment. Would it be to say good bye again […]
What if everyone just decided, even for one day, to just give each other a break. Be nice and kind for no reason than to be nice and kind. To not look for the angle, edge or personal gain but to be decent because it just feels right. There is such anger out there. Such […]

My name is Paul. I love my family, travel, CrossFit, motorcycles, and living every day without boundaries. I write about the people, beliefs & actions that shape us.
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