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His comment was not meant to be profound but it was…at least to me.He is a top athlete. He trains all the time getting ready for some iron man event some place.He commented that he knew I was working out at Crossfit. He commented on the effort being made. Then he said that what was […]

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The key is moderation. Yet that key seems to have been misplaced. It is all levels of extreme these days. Black and white. Yet the shades in between are where real understanding and compassion and empathy take place. The center of the road. Some times it feels like moderation is a bad word. Yet nature […]

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It has been said that first we must learn to call things by their right name. Unless and until we do that we live in a world of illusions. Do you have the courage to call things by their right now. Whether it be personal shortcomings or great strengths that is where the true journey […]

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He was wearing some kind of badge. It had his name on it and an emblem of some sort. I figured the emblem related to some organization. Hanging from the badge was a blue ribbon. it had some writing on it too. The person next to him had a badge also but it had a […]

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How could it be that some people are holding paradise in their hands and let it slip away. Right through their fingers like so much sand on a beach. You look at them, shake your head, turn and walk on. Puzzling,isn't it. There is no duality. Heaven/hell/here/now. We create in the present moment a heaven […]

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The Midnight Warrior was rolling today. Around 11 am it decided to head to the Everglades. The roads were pretty empty. Once we hit state road 27 the Warrior opened up all the way to Holiday Park.A cold drink and some people watching and it was time to saddle back up.As the bike turned onto […]

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Lost and found.Sometimes it just feels like we are lost. The day races by with the doing of stuff. Whether work or obligations or appointments or just hanging out but, in the middle of the night, you wake up feeling lost. Like you are blowing the one chance you have been given.There was no quiet […]

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I remember the excitement of taking her to the toy store and wandering up and down the aisles until we saw it….a shiny red bike. She wanted it soooo badly. We told her it was a bit too expensive. As we started to walk out the sales person came up to her with the bike […]

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And then it ends. The lights are turned off, the door is closed and locked, the last shelf is emptied. The parade has moved on to the next town. New dramas, new alliances, new villains and sheriffs to enforce the rules. As you sit back in the rocking chair and look out over the story, […]

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Wow! What a workout! It was insane…in a good way. Total muscle confusion.Up, down, front, back, squat, ropes, elbows, knees, overhead, behind back over and over and over again.Why? To establish what?To redefine the possibilities. To refuse to sign out of the challenge. To just see if it is do-able.To not say …can't. To say…will. […]

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