He always seemed angry. Even in his resting state there was a tenseness and a coiling of his body. Each part seemed to seep with anger. Don't know what started it. Don't know why. Don't know for how long it was that way but it just was his natural state….anger. Over time it aged him. […]
When did smallness become the rage. When did petty become the standard bearer. The disagreements just rage on and on…as if it matters. It truly doesn't. What is the end game to that game. What is the final stroke on that canvas. What does your reactions to small and petty say about your journey. Don't […]
Wisdom. What is it. Where do you find it. How do you acquire it. In the world where no one seems to want to age it is getting tougher to find since no one wants to appear to have lived long enough to learn the lessons that permit us to grow, see the subtle in […]
Do you have a mission statement. A personal mission statement. You wrote it down. You memorized it. It is the meaning of you to you. No one else. Do you have a family mission statement. You sit down with your family and say this is what we stand for. This is what we mean. This […]
I remember party lines. We had a phone but more than one household could use it. You would pick it up and someone else would be talking on it and you would ask how long they would be. I remember the first TV. There was just a blank screen until the evening when a show […]
Now and forever. How long is that exactly. I mean you hear it all the time. Especially at weddings and engagements and anniversaries and intimate moments. Forever and a day. How long is forever and a day. How long is now and forever. Is it just more words on words. The Twelfth Of Never was […]
It was the last week of the last month of the last year of this part of the journey. By week's end the boxes will be boxed, the pictures will be taken off the walls, the awards will be put in a back room, the handshakes and hugs will be exchanged and the head will […]
The storm was rolling in. Wet, windy and noisy. It was beautiful. We were running in the rain. Soaked. Was it sweat or just storm. It was both. The quarter mile was run, rest for a moment and then run again…over and over and,well , you get the picture.
All the while the storm was enjoying its voice and power.
Being part of the storm as opposed to separating ourselves from it was part of the joy of the moment.
Don’t hide from the storm. Embrace it. Many times it just is where you are right then. It is you at the moment of conflict. Accept it and recognize that your journey has put you there and it will pass.
But while you are in it, don’t fear it or hide from it. It is you now. Rain. Storm. Nature at her finest. You , in the conflict, at your finest. An ageless experiment.
Class.How to define it. What does it look like.What does it feel like. It is such an elusive quality. It is not tangible. It is not money. It is not fancy. At least it doesn't have to be.It seems that there is a subtle quality to it.Class.There is a quietness to it. A strength in […]
"And then you die". Every time I see people doing things they shouldn't do, taking advantage of others, having hidden,double secret inbred agendas or just acting small when generous is called for I think of the line my parents used to tell me…"and then you die".The great equalizer as some great writer once wrote…was it […]

My name is Paul. I love my family, travel, CrossFit, motorcycles, and living every day without boundaries. I write about the people, beliefs & actions that shape us.
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