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How does the day wind down for you. Is it a day that simply runs out or eases down or do you push it to the end of the end of it. Today we pushed it. After the work of the day it was time to give the body its due. It was time to […]

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It can't be reduced to one error. A life can not be defined by one mistake…no matter how big. You have to take the measure of the whole life, the whole story, the whole journey and put it all in context. Otherwise you have the most distorted of views of a person, a life, a […]

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What is an old soul. You hear that all the time. The person could be any age. From a child to an elder you have the capacity to be an old soul. I believe it means wisdom beyond your years. I believe it means ease of action. Joy in the struggle of the day. Seeing […]

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Who is your guide. Not on some vacation tour of a museum or national park. Do you have a guide through the twists and turns of the day. The maze of life. Are you wandering all alone or do you have the courage to say that a guide would be a good idea.Living or not. […]

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He sat there crying. Sobbing.Almost shaking from the tears and sadness. There was no way to console him.He couldn't be consoled.No matter what was said or how it was said to try and calm him or reason with him, it had no effect.He knew the truth. He knew what words could never capture. He knew […]

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How do you define wealth anyway. How narrowly. How broadly. What does it include. What does it exclude. When you first hear it or think of it what is the first thing that pops into your mind. Is it wealth means money. Is it wealth means health. Is it wealth means time.Is it wealth means […]

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But do you have a voice. That was the question of the day.We had finished seven rounds of handstand pushups and medicine ball to the wall and rowing and jumping rope and…and…over and over again but then as everyone wished everyone well for the day, the question was asked…but do you have a voice. You […]

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She sat there. Sweat dripping down her face. Her hair pulled back but kind of hanging there from the workout. Her shirt was soaked through with the evidence of the full effort made to get through the hour long jumping rope, squatting, pullups and pushups. She sat on a medicine ball staring straight ahead. She […]

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The pledge was taken. The oath was made. The hands were held and a promise was given. A pledge. An oath. A promise. Nothing you can touch,feel or possess as if it were some coat hanging in the closet. Nothing material at all. Really nothing more than a question of faith. A sense of belief […]

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The sense of awe. Not awe in the sighting of a shooting star on a dark night on Tiger Key in the Everglades. Not awe in the canoe skimming the surface of the water and watching a stingray glide under it. Not awe in the setting sun filling the evening sky with all the colors […]

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