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Who are the important ones. Who are the ones that mean the most to you. Who are the ones that matter to you. That will be there for you. That make your life sweeter. That make your life more joyful. That you can count on. Make sure those are the ones you think about. Those […]

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You have a choice. Either see the world as a place of scarcity where there is insufficient almost anything to go around and where the universe is seen as not supplying adequately for anyone and therefore you must amass things for your own personal trove since if someone else gets it you won't. Or you […]

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The night was still. The room was as quiet as quiet could get. The lights were low. The sage incense was burning. The smoke filled the room with an aroma of peace. The feeling was surreal. Was it real or all an illusion. She looked like the young woman …really a girl.. from a bygone […]

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You can only leave one thing behind. One item. That's it. Not a collection of things. Not a dresser draw full of things. Just one sole,single thing that would say it all about who you were and what you stood for. What it all meant to you. One thing. You walk through your life. You […]

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It happened in 10 minutes. 10. Clapping pushups, kettlebell swings and air squats. Over and over and over and over and…until you were done. Drained, sweat, dripping, light headed and aching. It was grand. What a machine we have. An amazing tool. A crazy connection of bones, tissues, muscles,chemicals, nerves and other stuff I know […]

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We are only promised today. And even then it can be just part of today.That's it. Nothing more. Everything else is an illusion, a wish, a hope and a prayer. In this world it is just today. It has been said that another word for today is eternity. It could very well be that our […]

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The ride over the bridge was windy. The seagulls glided past us as the motorcycles swayed a bit here and there crossing the expansion bridge over the Gulf of Mexico. It was her first time taking her bike off the island and she was handling the moment in grand style. The sun was strong, the […]

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She sat on a bus stop bench. She couldn't be more than 4. She was tapping 2 bracelets together, one in each hand, and laughing at the sound it made. Her hair was pulled back and tied with a red bow. Her mother sat next to her, makeup put on unevenly and foot tapping, as […]

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An island. A place of solitude. No TV, radio, phone, computer or any other device that separates you from the moment in time you find yourself. No distraction. No duality. Just a oneness with a force that is the force. No chatter. No noise. No interference. No rationalizations. Just you and your moment in time. […]

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If you know you are right. If you feel it in your bones. It fills up every part of you. You just know you are right. No one else sees it. No one else understands it. No one else buys it. But you know. And it is your truth. Do you stand pat or release […]

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