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The gift. The one gift that matters. The one gift that fills the empty space. The gift that counts. The gift that lasts….even in death. As we know and said before : no one gets out of life alive. What one gift would you want to give and receive above all others. Time? It stops […]

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There are always at least two ways to take it. Maybe more. But definitely two ways. One is calmly with class and the other is agitated with no class at all. It is an internal decision. It is a life journey story.Which do you choose.We see so often the later instead of the former. It […]

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Gracious. When did that word get lost. Gracious. When did that response to an event get thrown in the backseat of lfe. Charm. Facing adversity with humor.Easing up. Chilling out. Letting go. Gracious living. Subtle gestures. Can we find it in ourselves. It is not a sign of weakness. It is in fact a sign […]

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The coffee was hot. The ride to the office was slow as I made my way down Biscayne Blvd It was close to 79th St that the red light and traffic stopped me. Some storefront shops, a bus stop, some folks hurrying to the Social Security Office not to far north of the light filled […]

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The letters told a story of young lovers finding times to meet each other. After school they would meet and sneak around because it was not supposed to be. The letters told of longings and dreams. Somewhere along the way life got in the way and now we sat in an empty apartment reading those […]

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Where does meaning come from. Is it intrinsic or external. Is it hoisted on you or do you bring meaning to your life. The day was spend cleaning out an apartment. The funeral was over. The last good byes said. The bowing of heads. The saying of farewells. And then the review of a life. […]

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It always comes back to the gate. Sooner or later the gate appears. This week there were multiple gates all at one time. It was life and death in all its complexity playing out in real time.Newly weds, funeral processions, birthday celebrations, T ball homeruns, game changing days…today…June 19th …being one of those days, laughter, […]

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The apartment stood empty. The furniture was all used up. The silence was deafening.We walked from room to room reflecting on what was and had been there. Parties, family gatherings, celebrations, life. Gone now. The last of the generation had exited the building. Now the clothes hung in the closet, the jewelry lay on the […]

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The stare was heartfelt. The bruises on the arms were still all stark shades of black, blue and red where the needles had gone. The eyes were searching for an answer where one just doesn't exist. The voice was struggling to make sense of it all. Clearly intelligent but intelligence doesn't help at moments like […]

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The leaf was pretty small as far as leafs go. It was green and pointed at one end. It had drifted down from the tree some time ago and sat there clustered among other fallen leaves. It got my attention as I walked by. Maybe it was the tiny hole in the center of it […]

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