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And then there was the fall. The off road motorcycle had made it over the rocks, boulders, through the brush and bounced me around pretty good. We were getting close to the continental divide outside of Breckenridge when I saw it. On one side the drop off the cliff. On the other side the boulder […]

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The decision had to be made with the best available information at the time. Period. No crystal ball. No wizard to tell anyone how it plays out before the decision is made. The choice. Go or not go on June 6, 1944,weather the way it was or not. A break in the storm or wait […]

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It unravels so quickly.If you don't pay close attention and nurture it it unravels.Yet so often we think it is perpetual and the sense of entitlement will blind us to the truth of the frailty of it all.Whether a friendship, marriage,business, or really any endeavor worth maintaining it must be consciously cared for. It can't […]

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By the end of the day,the fate of the world would be decided. Nothing more. Nothing less. The longest day. June 6, 1944. D-Day. It came down to Omaha Beach. It came down to so many minor points that all added up to a major victory. It was the butterfly effect. Small decisions, minor twists […]

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It had been 11 years since he died. 11 years. Where did it go. He was 10 years younger than I am now when he died. The cancer was swift and to the point. I stood before his gravesite today chatting with him as if it was 12 years ago. He was always the irreverent […]

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We walked the entire way on the beach. From the chateau to the fishing village of Cancale. It was late afternoon. The tide was out and the beach was wider than we ever expected it to be.As we got to about the half way point, we stopped to chat about the blessing to be with […]

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Show up. Can you show up.It sounds so simple. Just show up. For what you ask. For yourself. For your life's story. For your meaning to you. Not for glory. Not for recognition. Not for rewards, awards, red carpets and fancy dinners. Nope. None of that. Can you just show up for who and what […]

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There is a quiet that starts to settle in. The hustle of the day evaporates as if it was the mist and fog drifting off from the cool lake in the morning. It was there and now …not there. How to accept the quiet. How to adjust to the non-calendar. To the openness of time. […]

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As she slowly fades into history you think back on the events of a life. There is a sadness to all the missed moments and the lost chances. At the time choices were made. At the time the choices seemed oh so critical and worthy yet now,reflecting back, they were so narrow in scope, so […]

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He takes your finger in his hand and leads you outside to a ladder that goes up to a plastic treehouse.He keeps your finger in his hand as he makes his way up each step to the inside of the house. Inside there are so many twigs. He lets go of your finger and starts […]

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