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It is hard to describe. It took me quite a long time since we have been back to fully comprehend it all. You see the green grass, the flag pole, the American flag snapping some times and quietly waving other times depending on the wind, you see the rows and rows and rows and rows […]

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Can you see the error before it is an error. Can you see the wrong turn long before you even get close to the street and that intersection. Can you catch the ball before it is ever thrown. Do you have a sense of truth of the unfolding situation and scene before the lights are […]

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Without the Mulberry Harbours there is no invasion. Without the invasion there is no liberation. Create a landscape that did not exist before you imagined it. Create a universe that no one else dreamt of and then reside in it. Create a life that others only wonder about and then live the life you have […]

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An appointment with destiny is waiting

The road curled around to the right. It ended at a big open meadow. Nothing but peace and tranquility lived there. We heard the birds, saw the wild flowers, smelled the sweetness in the air. The monument was not that large and if you drove by even a little fast you would miss it. If you missed it you missed a story that should never be missed. It was a memorial to the Screaming Eagles who sacrificed so much in that June 1944 battle for the liberation of Europe. For them the battle did not begin on D Day. It began on D Night. The night before the day when the Screaming Eagles parachuted into occupied France to begin the battle that was to define and redefine a world. An appointment with destiny. Destiny. Think about it. Do you live a life that you feel is part of an appointed destiny or is it simply another day at the … fill in the blank. Do you see a larger picture that you walk through or some myopic self portrait. Can you sense a legacy or is it just getting to lunch and a too typical phrase of thank goodness it is Friday as if nothing before had meaning and you were just waiting to leave. Is it a life of getting ready to leave or an adventure with time and purpose and meaning that is larger than one. Can you parachute into a world of purpose. Can you live a life that you were destined to live. Don’t give up on the dream. The passion. The destiny. It is ageless. Regain your voice. The Screaming Eagles are waiting.

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The jump into the void

You jump into the darkness. Blackness everywhere. All you hear is the wind rushing by you as you fall. No lights. No sights. Emptiness. Darkness. Blackness. Everywhere.
You see a light in the distance. It gets closer, flickers in and out and then gets lost behind a cloud.
No turning back. The choice was made. And now the journey is suddenly approaching the turn. If left there may be water. If right there may be the peaks. One shot to get turned toward the soft spot. The gentle landing. The safe end to the jump.
A dream or real. A decision in a life’s story or the full life’s story.
The jump. The landing. The choice of which way to turn. In the end the growth occurs in this void. While you are hanging in space you see the light and make the soft landing .The lesson is learned and the wisdom is reached.
Don’t fear the jump. Don’t fear the darkness. It may be your only hope to advance to the next level and be who you are supposed to be.
If you avoid the jump over and over again you merely stand still and unchanged.
Embrace the darkness. Honor the jump. It is your teacher in the ageless experiment.

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Enter the world of the intangible

The intangible matters. Just when you think you can get by without it, there it is again.
All the stuff that you acquire, the things you buy, the money saved, the shiny gifts purchased and then the news about the illness arrives.
The hospital visits. The lonely walk up the corridor to the restricted room. The pale skin. The fearful look in the eye. You come face to face with eternity.
You look in the mirror and understand the frailty of the trip. The nonsense that pretended to be anything but.
You want to laugh but you can’t. You question the decisions. The choices. The false sense of it never ending but in reality it started ending the moment it began.
Each day it ends some more.
So, latch on to the intangible. It is the only truth out there.
Today, live kindness. Live decency. Live hope. Live laughter. Live honor. Live noble. Live love. Live friendship. Live an intangible life. It is the only tangible part that matters in the end.
Ageless is a state of mind. It is living in the world of the intangible. Get your passport out and get it stamped. Visit the world where life matters…enter the world of the intangible.

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Saint-Malo and the discovery of you

When you wander ancient cities and villages, something happens to you. At least it does to me. You enter another time. You hear the whispers of those that went before. You hear their story and walk on the cobblestones where they walked. You enter their world and it changes your world.
Saint- Malo in France was one of those journeys. Beautiful, bold, dramatic, sweeping and haunting.
We wandered the narrow streets and made our way to the walls that separate it from the sea. The statute of Cartier is there. Explorer. Adventurer. Sailed to Canada before it was Canada.
You can feel the hustle of the days of the explorers, the danger, the unknown, the absolute risk and it makes you feel odd and absurd as you remember the concern about simply locating a parking space so you can wander back in time.
Can you explore the world you occupy now, find the adventure, the danger, the absolute risk or are you merely marking time until time is done with you.
Saint-Malo permitted me to dream about discovery, passion,love and lust for the pure risk that can be taken at any moment in your time here.
Be an explorer. Set sail from your personal harbor. Lift the anchor weighing you down. Unleash your inner adventurer. Don’t be so sure of it all. Discovery happens when you set sail.
It is an ageless proposition.

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Just how many times do you think the chance comes by? It is a rare moment. The chance. The opportunity. Are we wise enough to spot it. Are we smart enough to act on it. Can we seize it when the chance arrives or are we only to recall the lost moment that would have […]

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The balcony faced the English Channel. The sun was setting and the reflection on the water left a shimmering glow. We broke bread,cut the slices of cheese,opened the wine and toasted another perfect day in France. Friends laughng and sharing stories of life, children, grandchildren and surprises we still had in store for our lives.. […]

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You are right where you are supposed to be. That simple,direct statement said it all. We sat around the restaurant dining table in Bayeux, France. The journey through the invasion was felt by all four of us. Friends had decided to come here for all different reasons. but here we were. Each at a crossroad […]

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