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They are so sweet that they don't seem real. These three beautiful children are filled with love, trust and faith.The ones who love these sweet children are caring, all giving and filled with the belief that all always works out for those who face life openly and honesty.So when whatever hit hit and all got […]

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I don't know where the saying comes from. I know I heard it since I was little. Man plans and GOD laughs. The trees are so green today. The red flowers are bright red. The different stone animals are frozen in activity. And man keeps planning and GOD keeps laughing. The trees seem taller today. […]

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For some reason it took me a week to look at the helmet. As I ran my fingers over the hole in the left side of it I thought back to the fall. Yes, the shoulder is still separated but it could have been so much worse. The lessons are so many but here goes: […]

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How many times have you fallen.All the way.Hit the bottom and stayed there hurting.I don't mean just actually falling, although that happened last week and the shoulder is still separated. I am also talking about spiritually, emotionally, soulfully falling, hitting the ground and staying there hurt.How many times.It happens to all of us…sooner or later.It […]

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Have you decided yet. Have you really even thought about it. I know it is always day in-day out/time in- time out and then the day , the week, the month, the year is done. So during that time, have you thought about what is truly important to you. What actually matters and has staying […]

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The flights are set.The bags are packed.The excitement is in the air.Thanksgiving.The kids and grandkids are on their way to visit.Plans.Stories.Memories.But really why.What causes so many at this time of year to uproot and travel across the country.It seems to me it is the need for a knowing that they have a history.They are part […]

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The question was posed at a party.It is your very typical – breaking the ice question.It is…so what do you do.You have heard it thousands of times.You have asked it probably just as many.What is the typical answer you have heard or given.It usually is…your job.I am a….fill in the blank.Teacher or doctor or plumber […]

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All the good and bad things in life so often happen in a split second unexpectedly.That is why each second counts.It was just your typical pulling into the driveway.It was just your typical turning of the handlebars.It was just your typical mind on the next thing moment.Then the gravel under the back tire does what […]

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If you could freeze one moment in time what would it be. You can time travel. You can go back to a moment, relive it and freeze it for as long as you would like, then return. What would it be. The first embrace or the last embrace. The first meeting or the last good […]

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Ever wonder what courage looks like. Ever consider how beautiful one person can look by just being genuine. There is no age to courage. It truly is ageless. Being genuine knows no age either. When was the last time you sat in awe of the simplicity of one being in their moment of joyfulness. This […]

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