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She was a little girl just yesterday. She had her dolls and red bicycle. She loved to be tucked in before she went to sleep. She giggled as her light was turned off…with the hall light still on. It seems like yesterday. But time is time. High school. College. Graduate school. Marriage. Children. Her room […]

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The email stated that he had been rushed to the hospital with chest pains. After calls and concerns it turned out fine. But what happened. He is healthy and fine. Eats good. Works out. A kind, decent, caring person. What happened. When I heard the story I sat down and shook my head. Crazy. People. […]

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The storm was rolling in. It was loud, wet, windy and powerful. Some times life is like that. Some times an event or moment rolls in…many times unexpected but other times fully expected…and it is loud, you know you are going to get wet, blown around and feel its power. It can't be avoided. How […]

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Buddha sits there quietly. Buddha stares straight ahead with a gentle peaceful look. The Tibetan prayer flags hang over the entry way. The breeze causes the flags to sway giving a sense of connection between flag, nature, home and spirit. By the dry river bed Buddha sits, arms resting on his lap, in silent meditation. […]

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A toast to now. Raise your glass. No matter what it is filled with…water, wine, beer, lemonade, tea…you pick it and then wholeheartedly toast to now. The exact moment you are living. Celebrate the now. Not wishes, hopes, dreams. Not what ifs, could bes, possibilities…but just now. Right now. Be it…now. Do it…now. If you […]

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It was such a simple moment. Two strangers met, shook hands, exchanged stories and then went on with the rest of the day. As the cross fit workout was ending, the garbage truck pulled up to do what those trucks do. The driver got out of the truck to move a garbage bin in order […]

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Within an hour we ran half a mile, did 20 pushups, 20 ring dips, 200 jumping rope, 100 kettle bell swings, 100 air squats and 45 sit-ups. What a way to start the day. Drained, sweating, invigorated and ready for the day. Never give up. Never phone it in. Keep making the effort. You are […]

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The house was patiently waiting once again. It had been over a month since it was filled with us. Like a lonely alone friend it beckoned us in. We turned the key. Turned the water back on. Turned the a/c back down. Turned the fans on. Switched the lights on and the house became a […]

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I remember seeing our dog, when he was getting ready to lie down, circle and turn and circle and turn some more, then move a bit to the left or right and get ready to lie down and then ,just before he did, would not. He would then take a few steps and start the […]

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Slip sliding. Time. It slips slides away. Slipping away. Each moment. Sliding away. I read about her passing. Just saw her a month before. Young. In the mix of the day. Now slip sliding gone. She was always upbeat. She was so present. So vital. I don't think there was an angry bone in her […]

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