Continuing the gain:
We are conditioned to put ourselves in neat little boxes all throughout our lives. The job box, responsibility box, family box,education box,economy box. In fact it is a series of boxes inside boxes. It is like some perverted doll inside a doll inside a doll.The boxes can get pretty small and light…even have less oxygen in them. It is only when a box cracks…death in the family,layoff at work,downturn in the economy…do we break out but that is unintended and a crack out of fear and loss. You no longer know how to survive in the "outside world." But what if you voluntarily, intentionally,courageously stepped out into the open space and tore the box open…no longer a "box" person but an "open air" person. Defined yourself anew. Not the "senior citizen box" person but simply however YOU choose to define yourself. Can we live freely in a natural way as opposed to living in a society driven neatly boxed way. We created the language and now we define and box ourselves up in it. The language is no longer a tool to use but a master to obey. I say nonsense.


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