Everything must go! Moving! The words were in all caps and in red paint.
The house was nondescript. The street was your average street. I was walking by on my way back from the convenience store. I decided to walk the mile instead of drive since I figured I needed to get some exercise anyway.
On the way back I took a turn that I normally don't take when I am driving and passed this house. The front door was open. As I walked by I looked in. Just plain curiosity.
I saw the glass fish sitting on the table half way into the living room. I guess no one bought it yet. It looked like a goldfish. Big. Glass. Like a centerpiece on a table.
It was held up by a pole and the base was wood. I walked on by.
When did they buy it. Was it a house warming gift. How long had it lived on that table or in that house. Where was it before then. Where will it end up.
Someone made it. It made its way to a store. Someone found it worth buying to take home or give as a gift.
So many people had touched it. It made someone smile. It had a story to share.
Maybe a child wanted it. The child is long gone now and the glass fish sits patiently waiting…waiting.
Just another story on a day of constant change.
I hope it finds a good home.


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