February 14: Shapeshifting was the subject of the day. The ability to transform oneself completely. So many cultures, myths, legends and even movies address it. Today it is everywhere in film but usually in science fiction-horror films. You know wolfman, vampires, aliens of all shapes and sizes. But as we sat in the shaman circle, traveled into the deepest of meditations, the transformation was palpable. The choice was a power animal. The choice to instill in oneself the attributes of the chosen being or an element of nature herself.
When the wind blows it just blows. When the rain falls it just falls. Yet, man thinks,re-thinks,out-thinks, analyzes, strategizes, plots everything…or tries to…all the time and then is disconnected from the direct power of it all. The essence of the moment. The true nature of the living adventure.
Yes, we shapeshifted that day. Yes, a major lesson was learned that day. Indeed, it has stayed part of us since then.
But what if shapeshifting included emotions too. Shift into love. Shift into compassion. Shift into passion.Actually be it today. Not discuss it, not debate it, not show it, but be it.
Shapeshift into love today…after all it is Valentine's Day.
Put the mind aside today. Travel to the world of the shapeshifter. It is an ageless world. It can transform you into the love you only read about in books or watch in romance movies. Choose to become that which you long for…shapeshift into the ageless experiment.


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