He takes your finger in his hand and leads you outside to a ladder that goes up to a plastic treehouse.He keeps your finger in his hand as he makes his way up each step to the inside of the house.
Inside there are so many twigs. He lets go of your finger and starts the process of picking up each twig, trying really hard to snap them in two…not happening…looks at you and you snap them in two, he laughs,eyes light up and then he puts each piece in a plastic cup sitting on a ledge of the window in the treehouse.
The process goes on for as long as there are twigs there. It consumes him in activity, coordination,dexterity,games and connection to his Papa.
Oh to be 2 years old again and have the world so fully complete in a treehouse, in a backyard,with a twig, a plastic cup and pure beautiful innocence. The world is alive with love.. It doesn't get better than that.
Enjoy the day. In the ageless experiment find innocent joy today.


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