How many times have you fallen.
All the way.
Hit the bottom and stayed there hurting.
I don't mean just actually falling, although that happened last week and the shoulder is still separated. I am also talking about spiritually, emotionally, soulfully falling, hitting the ground and staying there hurt.
How many times.
It happens to all of us…sooner or later.
It has to. The odds are there to confirm it did or will happen.
The issue is not the fall. The issue is the rising up.
The ability to pull it together, dust the dust off, get the bruises taken care of, recalibrate the life lesson to be addressed and move on and up.
Are you blinded by the fall or waken up by it.
Are you hesitant after the fall or more committed to overcome what has to be overcome.
Spiritually can you find the light within.
Can you see the undeniable essence of you that makes you uniquely you.
The fall is part of the human experience.
The rising up is your personal choice.
Rise up with a knowing smile that the fall is a necessary part of the rising.
It has been said that we are strongest in the broken places.
It seems then that to be the strongest falls are a required part of the experiment of life.
The ageless experiment.


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