I saw her out of the corner of my eye as the truck made its ways down US 1. Her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail. Her age was tough to call….late 30s ?
She was wearing cutoffs and a pink top.
She once was pretty.
She once was the girl in high school that would catch your eye.
She was leaving some motel heading up the street.
She looked determined but it was hard to tell for what.
It was such a mixture of lost beauty, lost dreams, once was, once could have beens.
It was early but she looked tired and drawn.
What happened.
What could still be.
It all took place in a split second out of the corner of my eye as the truck drove by.
As fate would have it the radio was playing the song…My Wish.
I wish she finds the doorway back to a better future.
Keep seeking the doorway back…just in case you find yourself wandering.
My wish.
The ageless experiment.


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