If you had to make a list. If it were a requirement. At your first opportunity, when you were your youngest, you had to make a list. Then in your teens. Then young adult. Then middle age. Then now.
Would the list look the same. Would there be one or more than one constant or would the lists look like they were written by strangers to each other.
A list. 10 items on each list. What would be number one on each and at what point in your life or would number one be the same always.
What is it….health, wisdom, love,wealth, friendships, travel,adventures,sex, strength,beauty, knowledge,intellect, a sense of gratitude and appreciation of the smallest, simpliest of events ….what would it be. What is it today.
How do you categorize the value of each.
The older I get the clearer it becomes. How do you number it. What is on your list. More time. A full life. A context to it all.
An answer to it all. Your answer.
I saw a picture from 10 years ago. It was before the surgery. It brought back so much.
The list…oh,yes…I know what number one is. At least for me.


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