The jump into the void

You jump into the darkness. Blackness everywhere. All you hear is the wind rushing by you as you fall. No lights. No sights. Emptiness. Darkness. Blackness. Everywhere.
You see a light in the distance. It gets closer, flickers in and out and then gets lost behind a cloud.
No turning back. The choice was made. And now the journey is suddenly approaching the turn. If left there may be water. If right there may be the peaks. One shot to get turned toward the soft spot. The gentle landing. The safe end to the jump.
A dream or real. A decision in a life's story or the full life's story.
The jump. The landing. The choice of which way to turn. In the end the growth occurs in this void. While you are hanging in space you see the light and make the soft landing .The lesson is learned and the wisdom is reached.
Don't fear the jump. Don't fear the darkness. It may be your only hope to advance to the next level and be who you are supposed to be.
If you avoid the jump over and over again you merely stand still and unchanged.
Embrace the darkness. Honor the jump. It is your teacher in the ageless experiment.

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