Past present

Today is one year since quintuple bypass heart surgery. A year. 365 days. The past and the present collide at moments like this. Time becomes irrelevant. It is just you in your life with all the experiences that fill it up. And then you turn around and another day..year.. Moment .. Experience .  Life goes by.  So what is the lesson. There has to be a lesson . Right?  Maybe it is that your life is going to have all the experiences every life has.  No better. No worse. But and here is the big but.   You must see the gift in the fleeting moments that are you. See it is not your life as in some abstract painting. It is you. So how are you choosing to be you on this unfolding journey. To all those who are reading this think about it. You are thoughtful people otherwise you would not be taking the time to reflect. Are you kind? Are you caring ? Are you present or lost in the past. It is all past present. It is all you.  So relax. Smile and live in a state of grace.


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