Rain, a bridge and the ride

The Harley made its way over the mountain range and I got to shelter just before the lightning, thunder and rain got serious. The shelter was a bridge underpass. Just sitting on the incline watching the rain seemed to cleanse so many things.

I guess it is the simplicity of it all that always attracts me to motorcycles, mountains and rain. How did we ever get so complicated. How did we ever let it all become so convoluted.

Don’t you long for an easier day. Less stuff filling it up. After the rain I made it over to a lunch spot and had a cold beer and a hamburger. I heard some folks a few tables away arguing about something. They were so intent on winning some point. They were red in the face and filled with themselves.

I  got back on the bike and headed out . The air was crisp. The rain put a slight chill in the air. I rode till I saw the first rays of sunset facing me. A simple time. A moment to share with your soul. Your soul is waiting for you to visit it.

The ageless experiment.


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