Show up. Can you show up.It sounds so simple. Just show up. For what you ask. For yourself. For your life's story. For your meaning to you.
Not for glory. Not for recognition. Not for rewards, awards, red carpets and fancy dinners.
Nope. None of that. Can you just show up for who and what you believe you can be, should be, want to be, could be if only…
If only… you made no excuses, acted without expectations and showed up for each day.
The stuff will arrive if you decide to show up first. But even if it doesn't, you did not do it for the stuff. You did it for yourself.
Make a vow. A promise. Take a sacred pledge. Starting right now….you are showing up and marking your place in the story of your times. If may be showing up as a dad, a spouse, a friend, a …fill in the blank.
The motto today is…show up until you are no longer.
An ageless experiment.


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