Tag Archives | Life Purpose

Hour of the Wolf is now

Hour of the Wolf/An Experiment in Ageless Living….is now available on Amazon. It is Kindle friendly. I hope it resonates with you. I want to thank all my friends who kept telling me to “write the book.”  Please let me hear from you. We need to have a conversation about living our lives outside of […]

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Your Personal D-Day

D-Day. Here we are on June 6th again. That day of high drama, great hopes, shattering fears and both death and glory. Yet I always go back to each day. How each day we are faced with great hopes, fears, compromise and telling our story the best way we know how. On this special day, […]

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How We Connect

Travel. It helps us connect with that part of us that gets soggy by the daily routine. The soggy part. All weighed down by stuff, meetings, faux important moments until you break away. You sit in an ancient ruin and touch the paintings from 3,000 years ago. You wander through fairy chimneys in Rose Valley, […]

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Your Take

A culture. A philosophy. A way of seeing the world. A view. Your take on it all. As we sat sipping wine at the wonderful Villa Mandarin just outside of Fethiye, Turkey, we witnessed a view of life that was so refreshing. First, it was a view of life. Not stuff, possessions, things, acquisitions or […]

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The Five Decisions

We sat around the table at a restaurant overlooking the aegean sea. The Turkish riviera. We just flew in from Istanbul after flying in to Istanbul from the airport a hour away from Capadocia. What a day. How do you end up anywhere. How did it exactly happen. Why us. Why here. Decisions of a […]

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What Can You Do with 7 Seconds?

13 minutes and 7 seconds. Each second was relevant. Each second counted. Each second had meaning. Crossfit. 100 of this, 21-15-9 of that and that and the other. Done in 13 minutes and 7 seconds. Now we are off to Istanbul. Each minute and each second has meaning. Purpose. Not just in pushing yourself to […]

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Seeing Beyond the Bullseye

What is the target. What exactly are you shooting for. What are you aiming to hit. What is the bullseye in the center of your shot. Why did you even pick up the bow and arrow in the first place. Is it about acquiring stuff. Is it about winning something. Is it finding the hidden […]

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Maybe That is Why I Love the Rain

The rain came down in buckets. It was exquisite. The sky just opened up and sheets of water kept falling. The ground got super soaked. The pool became an eternity pool. The flowers turned their brightest colors. And then, suddenly, it stopped. The sky became empty of rain. Do you remember the first heavy rain. […]

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What is the Lesson of Your Life?

So here we are. Back at that college class of your life. The textbook was purchased. The classes were attended. You studied as best as you could. In fact, the class was well attended. The final exam was rough though. The final exam was one question. In bold print at the top of the page. […]

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When the Doing is Done

The return That’s what he called it. The return. That moment in a life when the doing was done. The acquiring was enough. The being away from the ones you care about the most has taken its course. It is time for the return. Return to being and not always doing. It has been said […]

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