The century challenge

You  ask why. What is the purpose.  But both during and after it makes perfect sense.  The Crossfit today included the century situp challenge. 100 situps as fast as possible. Understanding that this was just the warm up I realized it  was going to be a sweaty morning.

The situps were done in my new best time but way behind the other morning warriors of the effort. Then on to thrusters and pull ups and a 2000 meter row thrown somewhere in there too.  But you ask why.

For me it comes back to the effort. Without this challenge the body becomes secondary to the rest of the day. Yet it is our body and it’s health and strength that shapes what we do, how we do it, why we do it  and how much respect we have for it.

So pick something. Anything. But engage in the effort to be all you can be.  Your body will thank you. Take it out for ,at least, a walk today. Just be present in your day.

The ageless experiment


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