The Gate to the World of the Ageless

June 11, 2010:

I realized that there is an invisibility that occurs as we reach certain ages. The CEO, lawyer, doctor,teacher,lab assistant, therapist,author who, a week before was in the vital mix of the day meeting clients,customers,patients,opponents assistants, was suddenly and simply a "senior citizen." With that label a whole series of events takes place. But is it merely a label. Is it more substantive than that.

We don't change ,yet it all feels different.

Is it the feeling of usefulness. Being productive.Being of benefit to others. It seemed that it had to be more than that.

Is it the identity, the ego,the definition of self. It occurred to me that how we define ourselves each day from the clothes we wear, to the type of shoes we put on,to when we get up and the ritual of the beginning the day, to our prayers,meditations effects whether we are defining ourselves as ageless or aged.

But this all seems so temporary. Such a surface illusion. So impermanent. So shallow…and yet, it is all part of who we are and how we present ourselves to the world and to our own sense of self.

And so the experience at the Gate takes me on a journey. The journey of the meaning of the end game. The meaning of the winter season and how to convert it into an exciting adventure as opposed to a slow wait falsely believing that  only the past has value. The future awaits us all. It  still can be whatever we want to make of it. 


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