The glue that connects the pieces

As we gathered for the memorial service for a friend who left us too soon, many friends spoke of what they felt they lost with this loss. All were heart felt and moving. Each told a personal story of the connection and the meaning of her life.

Of all the wonderful thoughts expressed two things jumped out at me.

One was that each person told a story about the connection and the meaning of our lives.We are story tellers and, in the end, our life tells a story. What exactly is the story you are writing about your time here. Is it all drama?  Is it melodrama? Is it too much comedy without some quiet moments? Is it a story of risk and adventure? Is it epic or a small thoughtful drawing of a life? Whatever it is be assured that it is the story told at the end. So live the life you want your story to be.

The second of the two thoughts was just one word spoken by one of the speakers. The word was “glue”. She was the glue that kept the friends and family together. Every family has the “glue” one. Every group of friends has the “glue” friend. You know the one who keeps the connections connected.

Be the glue. Be the one seeing the connecting pieces and how and why they are important. As you tell your story never forget the glue that binds us to those who matter.


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