The house was leaning to the south. I mean it was sloping sharply to one side. You felt like you were on a ship in rough waters. We walked up the stairs to the second story guest rooms and stepped down into the group of rooms that pulled you in since the rooms seemed to slide down to the corner. We put our bags down, hit our heads on the ceiling that seemed a bit low and laughed until we made our way to the living room chairs. 1779 was the date on the house. Built in 1779.
231 years before we walked into this charming home it was first opened. The green mountains, the rolling hills, the Revolutionary War, the history, the beginning of a nation…Vermont.
Something about being immersed in the history of a nation got you thinking about the nation. We were born out of revolution. We were born out of a spirit of independence. We were born out of a dream of unstoppable. Revolution. Independence. Unstoppable. Not a bad way to live a life.As we get older don't lose your independence. Have faith in yourself and your ability to get it done…alone,if need be. Don't limit yourself just because other people have chosen to limit themselves. You are still unstoppable.And continue to be a rebell. Age should not strip you of your revolutionary ways…even if it means nothing more than constantly challenging yourself to be more.
We were born out of a dream. Really a prayer.Live a life were dreams and prayers are still on the menu. An ageless experiment.


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