The pledge was taken. The oath was made. The hands were held and a promise was given. A pledge. An oath. A promise. Nothing you can touch,feel or possess as if it were some coat hanging in the closet.
Nothing material at all. Really nothing more than a question of faith. A sense of belief in something not seen. How can that be. An entire relationship built on faith in the unseen,unknowing, non material. Whether a marriage, a business organization or the ultimate belief in the meaning and purpose of it all, it is grounded in the invisible.
How can that be. How is it explained. Yet it is the essence of it all. The meaning to it all. The mystery never to be solved yet forever as real as anything you think you see. Believe in the unseen. Live a life in the world of the invisible. You might just find all you have been searching for. Take the pledge, the oath and give the promise. They may be the only reality you can trust in the end.


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