The question was posed at a party.
It is your very typical – breaking the ice question.
It is…so what do you do.
You have heard it thousands of times.
You have asked it probably just as many.
What is the typical answer you have heard or given.
It usually is…your job.
I am a….fill in the blank.
Teacher or doctor or plumber or builder or student or …..
But ,this time, when I heard the question asked, the answer was different.
It made me smile.
I laughed.
The gravity of the answer was so heavy that I realized it was given by someone who was just so comfortable in their own skin.
The answer was….when.
And that expanded the boundaries to infinity.
That opened up the door to the truth of who you can be.
Don't merely be that which pays the bills.
Yes, that is very important.
But …what do you do.
How exactly do you define yourself.
A narrow box or an ever opening mystery.
Next time someone asks you….so what do you do…try…when.
The ageless experiment.


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