The rain is coming down. The road is slick. The twists,turns and switchbacks are all that there are though this section of the mountains. The Motorcycle is use to straightaways. It is really built for straightaways But not today. Not in this part of the journey. Wet, gravel roads,up,down,angles, turning back on itself,blind spots, ledges,edges and all with the rain constantly falling.
You brace yourself, you lean into the turns,you challenge the angles, you are changing gears like you were in some fast-slow dance.
And all the time smiling,kind of laughing to yourself,talking to yourself about what is next and how a warm cup of coffee…no….really cold beer…no…cup of hot chocolate..wait…glass of wine would taste as we roll the bike into its destination. Wet, cold and content on the challenge met.
It is at that moment you realize that living the straight roads, the dry roads are good and fun and safe but it is the wet, twistees, the leaning into the curves, the pulling out of the switchback to brace for the very next one that life is so often about. How we handle the wet curves is the challenge.
There is always a switchback in the journey. The rain is going to fall at the exact moment you think you need it to be dry.
Ride the rain. Challenge the curve. Lean into life.
It is an ageless moment.


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