The wheelchair rolled up to the toy store entrance but did not go in. The aisles were just too narrow and busy for it.
He waited by the entrance. I don’t know why it caught my attention but it just did.
His grandson ran out the store and yelled about a great toy he found in the store. He explained to his grandfather everything about it. The chatter was sweet and sad at the same time.
I noticed the man’s legs. He was wearing shorts. His legs were swollen, bandaged and looked raw.
He was clearly suffering but kept up the pleasant back and forth with the little boy.
I wondered about tipping points. When did it start going bad for him. Could he have caught it.
Was a lesson not learned and choice not made and bad decision taken. What happened to the child who became that man in the wheelchair.
Tipping points.
That is the whole of it.
A slice of a slice of a moment yet it told me so much.
Catch it before not after.
Decide now to make the change.
What exactly are you waiting for.
The ageless experiment.
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