The Summers Were Longer Back Then

What do you miss most.

What do you long for the most.

It usually is something so simple.

So elementary.

The good humor ice cream truck coming around the corner on a summer afternoon. The summers were longer back then.

We always yelled to our mom that we heard the ice cream truck and begged for the change to get our favorite.

Putting playing cards on the bike spokes with a clothing pin so the bike sounded like a motorcycle as we pretended to be fighting some grand enemy in some foreign land.

If only we could recapture the simple.

Everything has become so complex.

Everyone plays the odds now.

What do you miss the most.

Go back and retrieve it.

Take her hand.

Step back into the moment you miss the most and remember.

Can you carry it forward.

What will you miss the most.

Maybe if you think about that you will choose differently.

The ageless experiment.


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