What if it were true. Who is to say it isn't. We really can't know for sure. Are we simply on a grain of sand in a cosmic sand dune. When the image takes the long view and we see the stars, planets, milky way,solar systems and keep moving further and further out in the picture who can say that it is just not one big beach and we are one grain of sand in it.
The trials, tribulations, arguments, disputes, wars, disagreements all take on such a sad comic turn when viewed this way.
Such a waste of sand.
Such a waste of time, energy,moments to love until the next wave comes in and washes it all out to sea.
I know. You say absurd. Nonsense. But doesn't it just feel that way some times. Some times it just feels that we don't get the joke. We don't get the context. We don't get the full back story to this little fable we call life.
However, if we stopped for a moment and said it is a grain of sand and this is our brief moment until the tide rolls in would we lighten up a bit, we would laugh at the dramas and melodramas taking place all around us. We would relax into our life for what it is and know that what it is fine. It is what it is. Would we let go and chill out.
Would we enjoy our day at the beach.
We would let go of calendars and dates and live ageless.
I like to think we just might. Try it out.
I believe some people get it. That is why some are just having a good,fine day.


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