Who are the important ones. Who are the ones that mean the most to you. Who are the ones that matter to you. That will be there for you. That make your life sweeter. That make your life more joyful. That you can count on. Make sure those are the ones you think about. Those are the ones you call. Those are the ones you worry about. Those are the ones you go the distance for. Why is it that the ones that matter the most are usually at the end of the line when your attention and time is called on. Odd indeed.
You have a limited amount of time. You have a limited amount of energy. Don't let the ones that matter wait for the leftovers.
All he wanted to do was take a walk with his dad. That's it. His dad was just too busy dealing with others who could care less.
Harry Chapin's classic Cat in the Cradle is all too real and heart hurting when you glance back.
Don't keep making the same mistake.Catch it now.
Be there. Call them. Go for a walk. Get a coffee. Grab a lunch…with the important ones. An ageless experiment.


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