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Author Archive | Paul

The Warrior turned into the coming storm. Have no idea why that turn was made. Just happened on its own. Odd but it was simply compelling. The sky was as dark as it can get at 2 pm on a summer day. It was a mega storm. I saw the funnel cloud on the horizon […]

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March 2: The Razor's Edge is what led us to the Himalayas. Written in 1944 by W. Somerset Maugham, I found it first in my early 20s and then read and reread it throughout the years.It is said that the road to salvation is as narrow as the edge of a razor.And so we contiune our […]

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What does it mean to live in a state of grace. How does one live in such a state. The word is such a beautiful one. Grace. Divine. Sanctified. Holy. How do we instill that in our daily business or personal experiences. Is it possible to live in the hustle and bustle world but with […]

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March1: The expension bridge was right out of Indiana Jones. It was wood slats, some missing and some loose, rope as the connecting part and and the part you hold to balance yourself was rope also. The center of the bridge dips down and the section that attaches to each cliff is steep at the […]

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But what does any of it mean. That was the question presented. What does any of it mean. Is there any meaning to it. The plots, the scheming, the misdirections, the hush whispers, the taking advantage of, the having to be right, the…you name it..and then with a mere shrug, the earth has a quake […]

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February 28: The Triumph was waiting for me as I walked into the garage. It had been a few weeks since we had our last adventure. Just riding around the island opened up possibilities that otherwise may have been stifled. The mind wanders, the thrill of the curves, the bends, the glimpse of the gulf […]

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February 27: And then there was the Matterhorn. The red train takes you into the Swiss village of Zermatt. Once you get off the train a horse drawn carriage takes you into a village that looks like you stepped into a Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale. The mountain is right there and its presence in […]

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This began because I wanted our loved ones to know us as people and not just parents, brothers,sisters or some other boxed in definition of an otherwise fully formed person. I wanted them to know us with all the adventures, misadventures, struggles, travels, laughter, tears and challenges met and overcome. Mountains, climbs, solitude, meditations, wanderings […]

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February 26: Through the clouds you can see it. At first you don't know what you are looking at. You are already at 15,000 feet and you are looking almost straight up, the clouds break and you see more white but it is not cloud any longer. It is a being, a presence, a chill […]

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The beauty is in the innocence. The beauty is in the simplicity of the action. The beauty is in the acceptance of the exact moment you are. That is not a half a sentence. That is the full sentence. The exact moment you are. And then it is gone. Never to return. The gym is […]

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