February 28: The Triumph was waiting for me as I walked into the garage. It had been a few weeks since we had our last adventure. Just riding around the island opened up possibilities that otherwise may have been stifled. The mind wanders, the thrill of the curves, the bends, the glimpse of the gulf from the dirt road, the seagulls lingering in the air almost as if placed there by an artist for my viewing. Who can say if that is not so. When does an event in your life become life altering. When does a fleeting moment last a life time.
Must it be some far away trip to an exotic land for an extended period of time or can it ,possibly , be just a short visit from a friend where a nerve is tapped or a memory reborn or a wish recaptured.
Life altering moments may be nothing more than remembering who we are, the adventure still to unfold and a refusal to call it a life…at least not just yet.
We sat in a warm and cozy family room catching up on stuff…family, friends, events, the day..but then the realization descended as if from above. We are not a category. We are not an age group. We are not any thing other than who we are and who we choose to continue to be.
A fleeting moment can last a life time. A fleeting moment can be timeless and…ageless.


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