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I remember carbon paper. I remember the world before copier machines.I remember real mail, writing letters with a pen, signing letters and licking the stamp. I remember slide projectors and watching the pictures flash on the white wall in the basement that had been converted into a family room. I remember sitting at the dinner […]

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Future history. No it is not an oxymoron. Historic context. The long view. Not being blinded by immediate, current events…good or bad. Rather, patiently placing current events in a context and envisioning how it will play out going forward. Can you live your life, each day, in future historic context. Wisely choosing as opposed to […]

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Metamorphosis….. The morning on the beach was amazing. Not too hot. Just the right breeze. Just enough sun. The right amount of time.So simple. So basic.Nature doesn't try. Nature just is.No agendas. No manipulations. No master plans and clever schemes.No titles. No sub-titles. No committees or commissions. No resumes or grades to review.Just an easy, […]

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The sun was setting, the sweat was pouring down, the shirt was soaked through, the weights were getting heavier and heavier with each set, the situps were tougher by the 75th one and the power snatch was exhausting. But then ,for extra credit on no exam that I could see, we had to run. The […]

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The word of the day. They decided to start a new tradition. Each morning they would each pick a word. One word. But it had to be a positive one. No negative word or dark word. The word that was chosen each day was to be that day's mantra. They each wrote their word down […]

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Creation. Do you have the power of creation. Can you create heaven on earth. Can you create the world you choose to live in. Heaven or hell. Can we create a daily heaven. Does it come down to a choice. If free will does exist. If that is what it was all about…free will. Can […]

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His stride down the courthouse hallway was slower than I had remembered it but then again I hadn't seen him in years. More labored. More plodding. More steps but less activity. That old spark I had rememberd was not there. It all just seemed put together with no thought in mind. Almost as if it […]

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The expansion bridge appeared higher and longer as the bicycles approached it from island side. We had tried it before but it felt different this time. This time we just knew we would make it there and back. 15 miles over and back over the bridge. As we got to the highest spot on the […]

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Romance. Think about it. Romance. The word itself is great. It conjures up so many feelings and emotions. King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Every few years they are reimagined in book or film. Camelot. Did such a place really exist. Knights, adventure, love outside of time and place. Yet in today's […]

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For some reason the phrase always resonated with me. I guess it started on Sesame Street and Kermit the Frog. It became a song. But I seem to recall Frank Sinatra covering it in a song. I am sure there are some jazz renditions too. I have no doubt there is a Ray Charles version […]

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