His stride down the courthouse hallway was slower than I had remembered it but then again I hadn't seen him in years. More labored. More plodding. More steps but less activity.
That old spark I had rememberd was not there. It all just seemed put together with no thought in mind. Almost as if it would last forever but without any effort.
The body is a terrible thing to waste. We always heard the ads about the brain or the mind is a terrible thing to waste, and it is so true, but the body is too.
The spirit is a terrible thing to waste. The soul is a terrible thing to waste. The family, the moments to laugh, the private moments to appreciate doing nothing are terrible things to waste.
Don't forget the frailty of it all. You might find strength, purpose, hope and an appreciation of just walking down a hallway if you only also remember that it is all you in the now for only the now.
An ageless experiment.


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