Red Rock, Arlo and class

Red Rock is about the most perfect spot there can be for a concert. As the sun began to set the sold out crowd rose to their feet to cheer the sole performer walk out. No back up band. No fancy light show or explosions. Just one solo figure who stood center stage and picked up a guitar, quickly tuned it and began. The crowd exploded with applause.

There was Arlo. Telling stories and weaving songs around them. Such a class act. Simple, direct, skillful and joyful. It got me thinking about how we present ourselves. Some try so hard to be something else. Or someone else. They put on and take off masks to fit the situation that they sometimes lose themselves in the process.

Arlo Guthrie is the real deal. The question of the day is …are you the real deal. Comfortable in your own skin. Easy on the day . Relaxing into your section of eternity. As you take center stage in your own concert of life, keep it simple, be direct, live joyfully and be that class act.

He made it look so easy. Effortless. Try easy today.


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